A. Alan Borovoy

A. Alan Borovoy

Throughout a remarkable career as one of the undisputed leaders in the civil rights movement in Canada, A. Alan Borovoy has been a tireless advocate for freedom of expression, along with its corollaries freedom of the press and freedom of association.  He has equally been an activist for equality and procedural fairness. June Callwood dubbed him “Mr. Civil Liberties.”

Mr Borovoy was recruited by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) as General Counsel in 1968, a position he held for 41 years until his retirement in June 2009. CCLA has named him General Counsel Emeritus.

One of Canada’s premiere public intellectuals, Mr Borovoy is a compelling and magnetic speaker: informed, articulate, and passionate. As one of the most recognizable civil libertarians in Canada, he also knows the value of maintaining a sense of humour while trying to change the world. Otherwise, he has said, “You’ll go off your rocker.” He once described the strategy of the CCLA as, “To raise hell without breaking the law.”


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Civil Liberties in Canada: The Recurring Impediments Full Day January 26, 2012

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