David Hitchcock

David Hitchcock

The Founding President of the internationally respected Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking, Dr. David Hitchcock completed his undergraduate education at McMaster University and was awarded his doctorate by Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.  He has been a full-time faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at McMaster University since 1968, chairing the department from 1989 to 1992.  Dr Hitchcock’s research interests fall into three main areas: the philosophy of argument, ancient philosophy, and the history of logic.

David has also worked at Stelco, reported for The Spec, run locally for federal office, been a member of the Clinical Ethics Committee at Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals, and chaired the Constitutional Committee of Amnesty International, Canada

In addition to writing widely and speaking internationally on the history and philosophy of argument and acting as advisor to the department’s MA students, Dr Hitchcock has spent a significant part of his teaching career introducing undergraduate students to the richly vibrant world of Ancient Greek Philosophy.  Long a proponent of the value and continuing influence of Aristotle’s thought, David Hitchcock is particularly well qualified to answer the question, “Who is Aristotle, and what can we learn from this student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great – a man for whom the term polymath could have been invented?”


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Aristotle: The world’s most influential thinker Full Day February 21, 2013

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