Dr. Pat Gunning

Dr. Pat Gunning

Associate Professor Chemistry - Organic and Inorganic Synthesis, University of Toronto Mississauga

Prof. Patrick T. Gunning was born in Glasgow, Scotland and received a B.S. degree (with Honors) in chemistry in 2001 from the University of Glasgow. His Ph.D. in organic chemistry came in 2005 from the University of Glasgow. In 2007 Patrick accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Toronto after completing 2 years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Yale University. He currently holds an Associate Professor of Chemistry position as well as the Canada Research Chair, Tier II at the University of Toronto. In five years at U. of T., Patrick has attracted $4.0 million in research funding.

Dr. Gunning has authored or coauthored 48 research publications, been an inventor of record on 7 U.S. Patents, and his work has been featured on 10 journal covers. Amongst Dr. Gunning’s numerous awards are: the Connaught Award; David Rae Memorial Award for innovative research by the Leukemia Lymphoma Society; the Ontario Early Researcher Award; the Boehringer Ingelheim Young Investigator Award (in organic chemistry); the 2010 University of Glasgow Young Alumnus of the Year; the 2011, 2012 and 2013 CSC Ichikizaki award for Young Chemist; the 2011 Dean’s Research Excellence Award at University of Toronto Mississauga; and the 2012 RSC MedChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship by the Royal Society for Chemistry (UK). Most recently, he was the recipient of the 2013 University of Toronto Inventor of the Year Award. Dr. Gunning was featured in the Toronto Star’s 2013 Top 10 to Watch.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
A Beginners Guide to Killing Cancer Cells Full Day February 27, 2014

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