Dr. Richard Rempel

Dr. Richard Rempel

Dr. Richard A. Rempel was raised in Saskatoon and graduated with a with a B. A. and a Rhodes Scholarship from the University of Saskatchewan in 1959. He received his second B. A. from Oxford in 1961, his M. A. in 1962 and his D.Phil in 1967.

From 1964 to 1975 he taught British and Modern Euopean History at the University of South Carolina where he supervised successfully 12 doctoral students and in his name the Richard A. Rempel Annual Award was established for a faculty member who demonstrated exceptional influence in students’ academic development.

In 1975 he joined the History Department at McMaster in Modern British and European History and became the first Coordinator of the Bertrand Russell Editorial Project.

When he retired in 2000, he had edited five volumes of Russell’s Papers and was the senior editor on 4 of them. During his time as a Professor at McMaster he supervised 19 successful doctoral students. He was honored by the establishment of the Richard A. Rempel Annual Award given to the History doctoral student judged to have been the most successful PhD student of the year. Rempel is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

In retirement he writes about the University of Saskatchewan and has a book scheduled for publication by McGill-Queen’s Press for January 2013 on the first geneticist in Canada.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Bertrand Russell: A Consistent Aristocratic Radical Full Day January 24, 2013

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