John Sewell

John Sewell

Co-ordinator, Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, former Mayor of Toronto

John Sewell was a member of Toronto City Council from 1969 to 1984, and was  Mayor of Toronto 1979 – 80. He has engaged in politics in Toronto as a lawyer, community activist, city councillor, journalist, writer, housing administrator, and social entrepreneur, and chaired the Royal Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario, 1991 – 93. He has often spoken for and represented those who do not have access to the levers of power in society.  He is currently the co-ordinator of Toronto Police Accountability Coalition (
He has written for many publications and has authored ten books, mostly about urban issues. His most recent books are `The Shape of the Suburbs: Understanding Toronto’s Sprawl,’ published by University of Toronto Press, and `Police in Canada, The Real Story’, published by James Lorimer and Company.
He was awarded the Order of Canada in 2005.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Discovering the world of policing Full Day February 5, 2015

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