Ken McGoogan

Ken McGoogan

Affiliation: Voyages and lectures with Adventure Canada.

In his tenth book, How the Scots Invented Canada, Toronto author Ken McGoogan argues that Scottish immigrants laid the foundations of Canadian diversity and pluralism. That book has drawn rave reviews, including one suggesting that Ken  “is rapidly becoming the rightful successor to populist historian Pierre Berton.” Ken is best-known for his award-winning bestsellers about Arctic exploration: Fatal Passage, Ancient Mariner, Lady Franklin’s Revenge, and Race to the Polar Sea. He made a cameo appearance in an acclaimed docudrama based on his book Fatal Passage. Ken writes for Canada’s History magazine, serves as chair of the Public Lending Right Commission, and sails as a lecturer with Adventure Canada. He recently won a teaching excellence award from University of Toronto. You can find out more at


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Nothing is More Fun than Canadian History Full Day January 19, 2012

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