Mark Farrow

Mark Farrow

VP and CIO Informatics and Technologies Hamilton Health Sciences, eHealth Lead Burlington LHIN

As Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Hamilton Health Sciences, Mark oversees a nineteen plus million dollar operating budget with a staff of over a hundred. Reporting to Mark is Information and Communication Technologies, Telecommunications, Clinical and Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering. Mark is also responsible for oversight of Enterprise Risk Management.  Mark has been involved with numerous projects at a regional and provincial level including work on electronic health records and provides services to 5 other hospitals and the Local Health Integration Network. Mark was recently appointed the eHealth Lead and Chief Information Officer for the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network (HNHB LHIN) where he will oversee the coordination and strategic development of eHealth solutions for the LHIN. Mark is also the Chief Information Officer for St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Mark recently was named 2011 Health Care Chief Security Officer of the Year, as awarded by the Editors of SC Canada Magazine at the SC Canada Congress Data Security Conference and Expo (June 2011).


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
eHealth: Riding the Wave of Change to Better Healthcare Full Day January 30, 2014

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