Robert Gerritsen

Robert Gerritsen

Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Coordinator of Additive Manufacturing Resource Centre (AMRC) Mohawk College Hamilton

Professor Robert J. Gerritsen is with the school of mechanical engineering at Mohawk College and is the coordinator and lead researcher for Mohawks Additive Manufacturing Resource Center, a state-of-the-art facility for exploring the world of 3D printing and additive manufacturing where Robert specializes in the areas of design and e-manufacturing.

Robert is a Certified Engineering Technologist with a diploma from Mohawk College in Mechanical Engineering Design and an MBA from California Coast University. Robert is also a certified expert in Additive Manufacturing.

Robert’s background includes over 30 years industry experience in engineering design and management including automation & machine design and product design & development.

Robert has been with Mohawk College for 5 years with a focus on teaching computer-aided design and related mechanical engineering topics and now leads in the areas of Additive Manufacturing education and research.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Inside the World of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Full Day October 13, 2016

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