Economic Growth: Prerequisites, Limits, Benefits and Costs

Bill Scarth - the series organizer - is Professor Emeritus in the Economics Department at McMaster University. He has received both the President's Award for Excellence in Instruction and several McMaster Students Union Teaching Awards including the MSU’s highest honour - their Lifetime Achievement Award for Teaching. In addition to publishing many articles in academic journals (in the areas of macroeconomics, labour economics, international trade and public finance), Bill has authored four textbooks (22 editions in all), and he has been a Research Economist at the C.D. Howe Institute - contributing to policy debates - for over 20 years. Some of his recent work concerns how globalization affects the ability of governments to provide support for those living on low incomes, and to deal with the tensions between young and old that have emerged with increased concern about the environment and our aging population.


Dr. Bill Scarth
Professor Emeritus, McMaster University


September 12, 2019 - 1:30 pm



Art Gallery of Burlington   View map

One of the reasons for growing populist sentiment is the fact that many households have been struggling on the economic front for several decades. Those who favour limited government argue against attempts to redistribute from rich to poor as a response to this concern. They argue that the main effect of these attempts is to limit the incentive for businesses to create jobs and to produce the goods that people need and want – leaving rich and poor to fight over a smaller total amount of material welfare. The recommendation from this school of thought is that we should simply pursue faster economic growth. The presumption is that all households – including poorer ones – will benefit. This talk evaluates this view – examining what leads to growth, how the benefits and costs are distributed, and whether further growth is even feasible – given the limits on our non-renewable resources. This talk sets the stage for the following one that focuses on how tax reform and our environmental concerns fit into the growth picture, and for the later lectures that consider a number of government policies that attempt to address inequality directly.

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