Everyone's DNA Tells a Story: Do You Want to Know Yours?

Join Carolyn Abraham, award-winning science journalist and author, for a discussion around the thorny questions springing from this fledgling genomic age.  The technology now exists to unravel your genetic code at affordable prices and with that, comes the possibility of truly personalizing medicine, designing prevention plans and treatments tailored to


Carolyn Abraham
Medical Science Writer, Award-winning Author


March 6, 2014 - 12:00 am


Join Carolyn Abraham, award-winning science journalist and author, for a discussion around the thorny questions springing from this fledgling genomic age.  The technology now exists to unravel your genetic code at affordable prices and with that, comes the possibility of truly personalizing medicine, designing prevention plans and treatments tailored to you.  But can the health system handle what falls out of that genetic closet? Can you?  When genetic science is still in its infancy, how much ambiguity do you want to live with?  What about issues of privacy?  How much should your insurance company know about your genetic secrets?  How much should you share with family members, who also share your DNA?

Post Presentation Links:

Decoded: The genome revolution and you (Video – Globe and Mail)

Carolyn Abraham’s Website

The Genes that Bind Us

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