Galileo, Shakespeare, van Gogh: Creative Reactions to the End of the World

Four hundred years ago, humanity's view of the universe went through a fundamental shift that was, in many senses, bigger than anything that has happened since.  Galileo's discoveries with the new device called the telescope affected not just scientific thinking but passed onward into art, writing, and poetry and has


Dr. William Harris
Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University


February 28, 2019 - 12:00 am


Four hundred years ago, humanity’s view of the universe went through a fundamental shift that was, in many senses, bigger than anything that has happened since.  Galileo’s discoveries with the new device called the telescope affected not just scientific thinking but passed onward into art, writing, and poetry and has continued up to the present day.  In this talk I am going to take us through a brief tour of this remarkable historical bridge across
science and the humanities that has almost no parallels in history.

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