Reflections on the One Percent

Mike Veall is a Professor of Economics at McMaster University. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has taught at the University of Western Ontario, the University of Mannheim, Australian National University and Queen’s University. He has been a von Humboldt fellow at the University of Munich and an honorary professor at the University of York. He was a co-winner of the Purvis Prize for a work of excellence relating to Canadian economic policy and President of the Canadian Economics Association in 2011-12. Currently he is Director of the Productivity Partnership, Principal Investigator of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network and Editor of the journal Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques.


Dr. Mike Veall
Professor of Economics McMaster University


September 26, 2019 - 1:30 pm



Burlington Art Gallery   View map

It is now eight years since “Occupy Toronto” and 9 years since the Toronto G7 protest. Each was linked to a perception by some that there was a fundamental unfairness in the economic system with the result that the top “One Per Cent” were doing increasingly well at the expense of those in the “Bottom 99”.  Was this perception consistent with the evidence for Canada at the time?  What has happened since?  What have been the consequences of the recent increases in personal provincial and federal income tax rates for high-income Canadians?  The presentation will address these questions and use them as examples to discuss more broadly top-end income redistribution policy and its linkages to social policy and to economic growth

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